Hetta “Peaches” Kempner

Honorary Director
Galveston, Texas

Hetta (Peaches) Towler Kempner grew up in and lives in Galveston.  A graduate of Ball High School she received her B A from the University of Pennsylvania.  She has served for many years as a Life board member of the Fund.

Volunteering first at St. Mary’s Hospital, Peaches has a sixty year career as a volunteer on the island.  She has mopped floors, taught CPR, served on many boards and committees, organized film festivals, raised funds, and asked for blood (donations.). Active in the community, she has been vocal about local issues and elections.  Peaches is a co-founder of the Women’s Resource and Crisis Center and the Galveston Arts Center.  Nationally, she served on the boards of the American Social Health Association and the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous.

She has been honored to receive recognition from the Jefferson Awards and has been named a Steel Oleander.