
  • In 2010, the Fund initiated “Green Grants” to assist non-profits in lowering energy costs and consumption. The last Green Grant was awarded in December 2019.

  • In another disaster response in 2010, the Fund collaborated with the Moody Methodist Permanent Endowment Fund (PEF) and provided 26 PRI loans to 10 non-profits on the island that had also collaboratively (40 organizations collectively applied) secured Social Service Block Grant funding. The loans ensured access to $40 million in disaster relief. The program closed in 2011.

  • The fund takes initial steps to align its investment strategy with its philanthropic goals by embracing a socially responsible investing strategy. It rules out investments in tobacco, firearms, and gambling stocks, while seeking investment vehicles that incorporate environmental, social and governance risk screens (2012).

  • The Fund made its first Mission Related Investment (a market rate investment with a social return) to restore a home and revitalize a neighborhood in Galveston (2015).

  • The Galveston County Recovery Fund reactivated in response to Hurricane Harvey. The Fund participated as a member and funder (2017).

  • The Fund approved the following non-discrimination statement to guide its grantmaking: “The Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund will not fund activities that discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, national origin, immigration status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” (2018)

  • The Peter K. Thompson, MD Distinguished Professorship was established at The University of Texas Medical Branch – Galveston to support innovation in inter-professional education (2018).

  • Through a collective impact model, the HEKF collaborated with Galveston philanthropic partners, community members, and a professional consulting team in launching a 9-month community visioning process where over 8,500 Galveston residents (approx.. 15% of Galveston’s population) were asked what they want for the future of Galveston and its vision for the next 30 years. From the data and results, Vision Galveston, the 501c3 organization was launched in 2020. HEKF is a founding funder of Vision Galveston (2018).

  • The Fund lowered the age eligibility to serve on the Fund board of directors from 35 years old to 25 years old (2019).